On February 25th I was able to participate in one of the most exciting processes I have ever encountered. Dialogue Mindanao.
One of the regions of the Philippines, Mindanao, is the site of the most conflict within the country. It is here where the recent massacre occurred, and where most of the unlawful arrests and extra Judicial killings occur. This is where the highest military presence is found, and where foreigners are told to not go. It is also the home to many. There are many peaceful farmers, teachers, pastors and citizens who get caught in the middle of the struggle between a few rebel groups and the National Government.
One conflict that has been continuing for decades is between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). This is a group that has been struggling for independence for 500 years. Peace talks between these two groups have been going on and off for 50 years. With this current round, the voice of the people is to be included. This means that leaders form various sectors, media, journalists, churches, NGO’s, as well as youth, are being invited to forums taking places in different regions to discuss the options, hear the issues and offer any insight that they might have.
At Silliman University there is a Justice and Peace Center run by the divinity school. It was through this school that I received an invitation to attend one of these forums. Our trip to Bacolod could not have better represented the overall peace process! We were an odd group that gathered in that van, youth, pastors, a journalist, and academics – but we were all trying to make it to the same place. Along the road we certainly hit our share of bumps. We had a flat tire – and then later than broke down altogether at about the halfway point. So we had to find another way to make it to where we were going. And we did. With the help of several other individuals we made it to the bus and eventually to the peace talks.
I don’t know if this round of peace talks will be the one that finally succeeds – but in that room with over 300 participants of different ages and beliefs coming together to try to find a way without violence there is hope. The still small voice of God is being heard. God has heard Her people crying, and there are leaders from all over trying to answer the call. I am sure there are many more bumps to go – but we are on the road to peace.