Well my time to the Philippines has come to a close. So it is with a heavy heart that I prepare to return to Canada. I cannot help but think that I may never have expected most of what I have experienced in the last 4 and a half months, but I would also not trade a single moment of it. I have been changed, and I hope that I remain so. I am leaving, but a piece of me is remaining here in the Philippines.
I began this journey with the idea of the Chinook and spirit moving me, and it is the same idea I again return to. Mihuros Ang Hangin is the Cuebeno phrase speaking of wind performing an action on earth. And that is the most apt description that I have ever come across. So as I await my plane, with the hope and prayer that Mihuros ang hangin will bring me back again one day – and old familiar hymn plays in my head….
Spirit, spirit of gentleness blow through the wilderness calling and free…. Spirit, spirit of restlessness, stir me from placidness, wind, wind on the sea.