Week two was spent with a dramatic difference. This week was spent on exposure activities. The first of these was a trip to Smokey Mountain. This is a site in Tondo where the UCCP church of Tondo has its outreach program, a daycare/school. What makes this school so different is that Smokey Mountain is a dump. The community being served is the village of people that live on the dumpsite. They survive by scavenging for bits of plastic and metal that can be sold to a middleman and then a junkshop. All members of the family undertake this work. Because of new bi-laws, the dumping is now taking place directly on barges, and so those scavenging must go out onto the barges as well. When Tondo church asked the community what they needed, the response was a daycare/ school. So that is what was set up. Thanks to this initiative there are now other NGO’s and church groups setting up health centers, schools, and providing building supplies to strengthen homes, as well as a source of water.
My second exposure activity was at the SINAG center. This is an inner-city ministry set up to serve disadvantaged and exploited women and children. This is a ministry of love. To show the women that they are loved and beloved children of God and there is another way – an alternative. Finding that actual alternative is a challenge - working with women in extreme economic difficulties trying to support families. It is challenging and heartbreaking work done with extreme care and love.
My third trip was to visit the Nestle workers. These are the union workers who had gone on strike 8 years ago when contract negations fell apart over retirement funding. While on strike they were all laid off. They have been fighting for their rights in and out of court and on the streets ever since. Even after their Union leader was killed, they continue their struggle.
Between these three exposures I have begun to see the other face of the Philippines, and the other face of globalization at work. It is challenging and heartbreaking and maddening to see the injustice after injustice being faced with grace and opposition. And it has been extremely humbling to see the Spirit moving and working and struggling in and amongst the people. God has heard her children crying out.
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